Kardesler Bolkepce Kebab

Kardesler Bolkepce Kebab

The gracious hospitality of Adana is very evident in the manner in which Kardesler Bolkepce Kebab is operated. This made for a delightful day filled with more food than even a hearty eater like myself could consume.

As we entered we were led to the kitchen where we were introduced to the owner of Kardesler Bolkepce Kebab. He was hard at work, starting in on making the most renown food in Adana—the Adana Kebab. As you can imagine each restaurant has its own unique way of making the Kebab. And each one I have tasted has been delicious in their own way!

Witnessing an owner of a store hard at work and not just managing things effectively always leaves a good taste in my mouth. All the workers were busily attending to the tasks they had been given that morning, preparing certain aspects of the meals for the impending customers.

 It was nice to witness the formation of all the different types of kebab served, from the beginning stages to the roasting over smoking coals at the end.

 As he sat down to join our meal, our host was still very observant of the other patrons coming in and sitting around. If he believed himself to be the first one to spot a new group settling in, he would wave over one of his waiters to attend. Despite the fact he may not have known his staff was already on their way to welcome and serve those taking their seats. Hospitality here certainly can be overwhelming at times, as it is so gracious and attentive.

 With cups brimming with ayran, şalgam, and water, and a table filled with seemingly more dishes than we thought possible, we settled into our hearty lunch. Our host offered suggestions regarding which meat and topping combos brought out the best flavors.

Chicken, lamb, and liver were presented on skewers, and our host graciously served us some of each. We were also served a specialty of lamb testicles, and I wish I could tell you I remember what it tasted like. But I unknowingly ate it alongside the other meats served, and all I could taste was great flavor from everything that entered my mouth.


 The owner’s son ran the second Kardesler Bolkepçe Kebab location we visited, and when observing in the kitchen he asked us if we would like to join in the baking. My friend, Hannah, seized the opportunity, and after washing up, she was gifted a hairnet and apron to help her get settled into her new role of baking lahmacun. We were able to eat some of her creations, and afterwards were served tea and freshly made baklava.

Overall, we greatly enjoyed the atmosphere of inclusion, warm hospitality, and how Kardesler Bolkepce Kebab strives to serve in a way deserving of its name. Translated in English as “bountiful ladle,” they take this into practice by working hard to provide their customers with more than enough food, not giving them the chance to leave the table hungry. Stop by for delicious food, and gracious hospitality!


Yuregir Location 1


Yuregir Location 2


Saricam Location


Follow Kardesler Bolkepce Kebab on Instagram

Written By: Serena Swords

Photography By: Hannah Greer & Serena Swords

Videography By: Hannah Greer, Will Rockett, & Serena Swords